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Home » 7/9/2012 The Book of Mormon

7/9/2012 The Book of Mormon

Hi Theatregoers

When my college told me that the creators of adult animated series South Park had written a musical about the Mormon religion I thought that the pressure of fatherhood had finally got to him, but no… he’s actually right!

I’m still trying to get my head around it, but here’s what the US press thought of it on Broadway …

“It’s the funniest musical of all time.” Vogue

“It’s the best musical of this century.” New York Times

“Musical comedy heaven. The most exuberantly entertaining Broadway musical.” Time Out New York

So with nine 2011 Tony Awards to add to its credentials what can the UK expect from Broadway phenomenon The Book of Mormon?

The  story follows a pair of mismatched Mormon boys sent on a mission Uganda.  And this unlikely scenario is the basis of an hilarious lampooning of organized religion AND musical theatre that has had New York theatre-goers in stitches since March 2011!

Well… what can I say? Don’t really know, lost for words! Still, it sounds intriging. It opens at the Prince of Wales theatre in February 2013.

But before I go… a personal message to my big brother who’s birthday it is today as I know he reads this blog (he has to, he’s family!) . So HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLIE – half a century reached – wow!

Have a good Friday & weekend everyone


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