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Home » 17/9/12 Shakespeare in London

17/9/12 Shakespeare in London

Hi Theatregoers

Hope you all had a good weekend.

I was very privileged enough to see an absolutely stunning production of As You Like It at Shakespeare’s Globe. What an evening. As you will know from previous posts it was the first time I’d ever been to the Globe and I was so impressed. The production itself was outstanding & I am looking forward to next year’s summer season so that I can go again.

But you don’t have to wait so long to see other great Shakespeare in London this Autumn. With the World Shakespeare Festival being celebrated through-out 2012, many RSC productions have made their way across from Stratford-upon-Avon to London and here is a few which will be worth catching in the capital…

Much Ado About Nothing at the Noel Coward starring Meera Syal will be one of the hottest tickets in town. This story, a fiery friendship between Benedick and Beatrice, plus the added tyranny of an evil brother, is brought to life this time with an definite Indian twist.

Another scorching ticket will be to see Mark Rylance as Richard III at the Apollo theatre from 7th November.  Rylance also dons a dress for the role of Olivia in Twelfth Night which plays on alternative dates at the Apollo alongside the aforementioned Richard III. Rylance reprises both roles for which he received critical acclaim and many an award a decade ago.

So I think that’s enough to whet your appetite for all that is Shakespeare. And remember, you can also book great breaks in picturesque Stratford-upon-Avon itself.

Have a great Monday


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