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Home » 2/10/2012 The Lion King Theatre Breaks

2/10/2012 The Lion King Theatre Breaks

Hi Theatre-goers

Hope you are all enjoying a sunny morning as I am in St Albans although rain is forecast for later – boo hiss.

I was hoping to have seen The Lion King last week, but alack alas I couldn’t get into London in time, so I have bought 3 more tickets for November and I’ll take the kids this time. I took my eldest son when is was just 5, but he fell asleep during the second half (bless him) – so it’s definitely worth heeding the caution by the theatre that certainly the evening performances are not suitable for very young children. Of course, since then we’ve seen the film many times & for his 12 birthday last year the said same son wanted, for his family treat, a trip to see The Lion King 3D version at the cinema which we did.

My youngest son has only seen a snatch of the show at Disneyland Paris where they performed a condensed version on stage (which, I might add, was brilliant), so he is really excited about the prospect of seeing the whole thing.

This is a show to take the whole family to and what better way to entertain the troops during October half term – it’s only 3 weeks away!

Have a great Tuesday everyone


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