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Home » 26/10/12


Hi Theatre-goers

My voice is back albeit a bit croaky this morning, still sneezing huge sneezes but generally feeling a whole lot perkier than I did on Wednesday! I need to get my mojo back in order to fly to Sweden this afternoon – I know, what a little jet-setter I am! It’s my annual trip to Gothenburg, so I will leave you in the capable hands of Simon  for next couple of days.

Anyway, back to what’s going on here… a couple of shows closing this weekend – Much Ado at the Noel Coward and Wizard of Oz at the London Palladium. 

Next up at the Noel Coward will be Privates of Parade the first 5 plays being performed during the 2012/13 Michael Grandrage season in the West End. Privates on Parade stars Simon Russell Beale as cross-dressing Captian Dennis who leads an Song and Dance troop in South East Asia during the WWII. Other actors to feature in the season will be Daniel Radcliffe, Jude Law, Sherridan Smith, David Walliams and Dame Judi Dench.

Going into the London Palladium for the Christmas season is family musical Scrooge based, of course, on Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. Diamond geezer Tommy Steele is Ebenezer Scrooge and everyone’s favorite “Yellow Coat” from tv’s Hi-Di-Hi Barry Howard is Jacob Marley.  This fun musical will put a smile on even the frostiest of faces!

Have a great weekend everyone (I definitely will!!!)
