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Home » 3/12/12


Hi Theatre-goers

It’s here! My favourite month of the year has arrived. And yes, I did cave to pressure – the tree went up yesterday. The whole family joined in decorating the house with our Xmas No 1’s CD playing in the back ground!

So this weekend I had the pleasure of seeing both The Bodyguard musical and Loserville. I was thoroughly entertained by both.

First off, The Bodyguard was BRILLIANT. I’m so glad it was because I love the film and I wanted the stage version to do it credit. It did. The staging and set design were magnificent as were the singing voices of the  two female leads – Heather Headley and Debbie Karup. even Lloyd Owen showed off his vocal talents at one point – very funny, but not in a bad way! It’s the show to see this Christmas and into 2013 (have you thought of Valentine’s Day yet???).

Aaron Sidwell & Chris “Lil’ Chris” Hardman in Loserville

Loserville was very,very different – but again not in a bad way. It’s an upbeat lively show with pop-rock numbers penned from the hand of ex-Busted & Son of Dork band member James Bourne and it shows. Myself and the kids were very partial to both those bands back in the day, so we thoroughly enjoyed the fun lyrics and the thumping rock rhythm of the musical score. It doesn’t take itself seriously and there are lots of laugh-out-loud moments. We were disappointed not to see Chris “Lil’ Chris” Hardman in this performance as his understudy seemed to be trying a bit too hard to impress. Still, it’s a shame that it’s closing January, but I reckon it’d do very well on a UK tour and also for school/college productions.

Have a great Monday everyone




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