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Home » 17/1/13 New Shows Opening in London

17/1/13 New Shows Opening in London

Hi Theatre-goers

Apologies, I’ve been a bit neglectful of you this week – not sure where the time has gone, but it just did and I have no idea how to get it back!

There is SO MUCH new stuff opening in London in the next two months, it doesn’t look like my job is going to get any less hectic!

old-times156x116Harold Pinter’s Old Times starring Rufus Sewell and Kristin Scott-Thomas opened at the writer’s name-sake theatre last weekend. It’s a production with a twist as the two female actors swap over lead roles at alternate performances. The story of how we remember the same events differently sounds intriguing.

February sees a very busy month of openings with the greatly anticipated stage adaptation of  Dickens’ Great Expectations opening at the the Vaudeville on 6th,  followed on the 15th by Dame Helen Mirren’s return to the London stage as Queen Elizabeth II in Peter Morgan’s play The Audience. Along with Mirren the production boasts an all star British cast,  including Robert Hardy, Hadyn Gwynn and Nathaniel Parker  who play three of the Prime Minister’s who’ve held office during the Queen’s 60 year reign

AChorusLin-Up 156x116On 19th February, A Chorus Line opens at the London Palladium. This musical is ‘Broadway at its best’ as a group of auditionees try to win the approval of a tough New York theatre director as he puts them through gruelling dance routines and vocal tests. Who will succeed and who will fail? West End sweetheart, Scarlett Strallen, stars.

All those should keep you on your toes – don’t you just want to see all of them? I know I do!

I’ll previews what’s opening in March and April tomorrow – see you then!
