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Home ยป 31/1/2013 Viva Forever review

31/1/2013 Viva Forever review

Hi Theatre-goers

I know it’s been a while since I last wrote which is a good thing for me & the boss because it means I’m busy answering your questions and booking your theatre breaks – so thank you!

Anyway, I’m here now, with a kind of dull ache in my heart because I’m going to do something that I hate doing and that is giving a bad/mediocre crit to new Spice Girls inspired musical Viva Forever which is currently showing at the Piccadilly theatre in London.

viva-forever-finale 156x116
Viva Forever finale

However, last night I did go to see it and to be honest it left me, just like the critics, very luke warm. Unlike the songs of Abba used in hit musical Mamma Mia where each one tells its own story, the songs of the Spice Girls were pure pop and none had a real message to give. They were fun to listen to, some made you go a bit weepy, but all in all they were good songs to sing-a-long to without really making any sense.

For me, this is where Viva Forever failed because the songs that interspersed the dialogue just sounded weird and out of context. The Spice Girls songs are great and when the 4 lead girls sung together it was great, but there were only a few of those moments.

On the plus side, my colleague Simon enjoyed the show and found humour where it completely washed over me. Other people in the audience seemed to enjoy it too, so perhaps I missed something that they all saw.

I would encourage you to go and make up your own mind though.

Have a great Thursday everyone
