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Home » 19/11/2012 The Lion King in London

19/11/2012 The Lion King in London

Hi Theatre-goers

My, you have been busy little bees over the weekend – almost as busy as me and the kids I would suggest!

I’ve had requests in for Top Hat, We Will Rock You, One Man Two Guv’nors and Billy Elliot Theatre Breaks over the last couple of days.  You’ve all picked excellent shows to see this Christmas!

Another excellent show is the one I went to see yesterday with the kids – Disney’s The Lion King which I’d been lucky enough to see 8 years ago, but the boys had never seen it. I had managed to secure magnificent aisle seats in the stalls (thanks Andrew!) and my 11 year old nearly exploded with excitement and awe during the first 10 minutes when all the animals arrive in style onto the stage. WOW!!! I don’t think there are enough words in the English dictionary to describe how I felt watching the show – suffice to say I shed a little tear at the finale with the reprise of “Circle of Life”.

I appreciate that it is by no means the cheapest show in London, but boy, it was worth every penny I spent! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Have a great Monday everyone
