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Home » 7/5/13 Rock of Ages in London

7/5/13 Rock of Ages in London

Hi Theatre-goers

Hope you all had a great Bank Holiday Weekend (for those of you in UK & I think most of Europe as well).

We’re off to see Rock of Ages tonight – I haven’t seen it since watching a preview performance back in September 2011. I must admit I came out with mixed feelings not sure whether I loved it or just liked it.

ROACast156x116Anyway, 18 months on and the show is still going strong in the West End having now transferred to the Garrick theatre in Charing Cross Road. I have some friends over from Czech Republic who wanted to see it, so we’re making it a big family affair with kids and everything (we’ll leave the dog at home on this occasion!).

Sadly, whilst Rock of Ages continues to pull in the punters, Spice Girl inspired musical Viva Forever! has announced its early closure this June. I’ve seen it one & half times and it really did nothing for me. I was desperate to like it, but just couldn’t find anything remotely clever or funny about it. I know others have raved about it and in fact I have friends who’ve seen it several times, so perhaps you should see it for yourself & make up your own mind. You still have 2 months to book!

Have a glorious and (hopefully) sun filled Tuesday everyone.
